A Day in the Life

I started this blog as a way to keep out-of-town friends and family updated on my life. It morphed into a craft blog, and is now a combination of both! Watch for posts containing my most recent crafts and projects, as well as simply an update on my life. I love to journal, and blogging is a great medium. This is my life in a nutshell. Enjoy! :)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back in the LBK..

I have to admit, I forgot about this blog again.. Thank you, Debra, for reminding me I even had it! Here's a quick recap of the past 8 or 9 months:

Spring semester absolutely flew by. I took the hardest science class I've ever taken (chem 2) which was a big factor in changing my major. I was a Nutritional Sciences major, but it was focused a little TOO much on science. So right before finals, I changed my major to RHIM - Restaurant, Hotel, and Institutional Management. As of now, my dream is to become the General Manager of a megahotel in Chicago. I've wanted to live there for years, so now I'm incorporating my degree into that plan.

I went home to Midland for the summer. I worked mostly, for my friend Derek's stepdad. I mostly did clerical work, but I also worked a lot with photography, something I'm very interested in. It made me want to learn more about it. I thought about changing my major to Photography, but after praying about it and talking about it with my parents, I decided that it would be a better idea to major in RHIM and maybe minor in photography. I'm already minoring in Spanish, so I may just take a few photography classes just for fun.

I didn't start taking RHIM classes until this semester. I'm taking Managed Services (I'm really not sure what that is yet..), Food Systems Management, and Hotel Operations. Food Systems Management is a culinary arts class. We're learning about the history of the restaurant industry right now, but eventually we're going to actually learn to cook stuff. I have a 4 hour lab on Tuesdays where all we do is cook. We're eventually going to be cooking full meals! I'm really excited about it. Hotel Operations is probably my favorite class. The professor is really nice and really funny. We just started learning about hotel history, but we will eventually learn about modern day hospitality, and learn about how a hotel works- behind the front desk, night audits, housekeeping, etc. We also have a lab for this class, but it is an observing lab. It's only 5 weeks long though. We get to go to hotels close to campus and help out behind the front desk, with housekeeping, and I'm not really sure what else. But I'm really excited about this lab, because hotel management is what I'm mostly interested in.

I'm also taking a Spanish class for my minor. I tested out of 10 hours (the first 2 Spanish classes) and so I'm in a sophomore level class after taking a year off. I thought it might be a little hard, but my first class proved me wrong. There are kids in that class that Mrs. Crockett would be ashamed of. They were mispronouncing basic words, and saying things like "me llamo es".. You might not think this is a big deal, but after taking Mrs. Crockett for 3 years, it makes me so glad she was a stickler for stuff like this because frankly, I'm embarrased for these kids.

Okay well I have my (only) 8:00am class tomorrow (Spanish) so I should probably get to bed. I'll try to keep up with this blog a little better than last semester.

I hope everyone is well, and I love you guys!