WOW! It's been almost two months since I last posted.. That just goes to show you how fast the summer is flying by! I don't have time for a long post (as I have a test tomorrow for my summer school class) but I wanted to give a quick update on my latest crafts, cooking/bakings, and adventures! I can only think of a few crafts I've done that are worth mentioning, and I only have pictures of one.
Said craft is one of my all time faves. Seriously, who doesn't want this cute fella in her living room? I'm planning on making more with different fabrics (my roommate Matti has already requested one with a puppy pattern.. haha so we'll see how that turns out!). This guy was super easy to make and isn't he a cutie?! I actually made him a while back, but didn't get a chance to sew his eyes on until the other night. I don't trust myself sewing circles on the sewing machine. I always seem to get off and it looks jaggedy. So instead, I hand stitched the three layers of eyes while watching the Lakers-Celtics game 7 a few nights ago! Here's a pic of my two cuties watching the game: Joel was ever so gracious to let me take his picture with my girly owl pillow :)

We were all very excited when the Lakers won! I was excited because since I was about ten, I've had some weird obsession with them. Weird, right? Long story short, I was staying with my grandparents when the Lakers played the Pacers for the championship. My grandparents lived in Indiana for a while, and therefore were rooting for the Pacers. Being the punk kid, I decided to root for the Lakers. And since then, I loved watching them (much to my parents' dismay, as they have always been Spurs fans). I eventually grew out of that around senior year of high school, but it was still nice to see them beat the Celtics! Joel (also a die hard Spurs fan) was only rooting for L.A. because "there are less people on the Lakers to dislike than the Celtics" - HA! What a funny guy :)
Next up: cooking! I bought a cookbook ("You Don't Have To Be Diabetic To Love This Cookbook" or something like that) with healthy recipes in it and have made six things so far! The first was turkey stuffed peppers. I stuffed poblano peppers with ground turkey meet, rice, and a myriad of spices. It wasn't near as tasty as it smelled, but it was edible! For dessert, I made a variation of Italian shaved ice - coffee, water, and sugar frozen and then scraped into ice shavings. This dish actually was pretty tasty! The next night, I made southwestern chicken and avocado wraps. These were delish! I can't wait to make them again :) For dessert, I made "apple pie filling" - AKA apples sauteed in butter, cinnamon, and a few other choice spices. Yum :) I also made snickerdoodles one night, but they were a flop. I must have done something wrong, so I'll have to try again some time! Last, but certainly not least, is what I made for breakfast this morning: cherry cheese blintzes! Except they were really just cherry, not cherry cheese. The filling was supposed to be cream cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, and cherries, but I didn't see cottage cheese on the list until I got back from the grocery store so I decided to leave it out. I think it was a good choice, as it was good just the way I made it :) Sorry I don't have any pictures of the deliciousness, you'll just have to trust me on this one.
As for adventures, they have been a plenty! I just got back from a day trip to Lake Alan Henry with my parents, sister, aunt & uncle, and Joel. A good time was had by all in the form of cruising the lake, swimming, gandering at the group of 40+ college kids drinking and carrying on in one cove, wakeboarding, and skiing. And of course, snacking away on those lake favorites, cherries and plums :) Here are a few of my fav pics:
At left: my uncle, sister, boyfriend, and random guy sitting and watching as I jumped (and screamed)
Above: my sister jumping out of the wake
Bottom: my uncle skiing; he was not about to fall - he is just an incredible skier and can control himself amazingly!
I hope everyone's Fathers' Day was wonderful! As for me, I had a blast. It's always a good time with my daddy :)